Friday, October 2, 2009

Thursday Night Weigh-In Headline: Zombie Gains Two Pounds!

Hello, gentle reader. Did a full walk in full dark last night with the moonlight to guide me. As I was rather tired, had nothing to read and put my brain in a jar, the only thing animated about me was my legs. My eyes were half-closed, my head thrown back and supported only by my neck, my arms hung at their sides and I shambled down the path and back like a zombie (apropos of the season). I woke up in time to work on my legs and stomach at the gym, then kicked off my sneakers, stepped on the scale and saw that I found two of the three pounds I lost last week and am back to 330 pounds.

Aw shucks. These things happen. Not happy about it, but not devastated either. I just reminded myself that when I maintain my weight loss later on, I'm going to fluctuate by a few pounds. I enjoyed more food than usual this past week and skipped a couple of leg and stomach circuits at the gym, so rather than beat myself up about it, I'll just stay with my routine and go the distance.

I realized something about zombies tonight. Although the walking dead could care less about diet and exercise, they do get cardio shambling after their victims and plenty of protein. Hmm.
Good night, Woof, and Blessed Be.

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